headwear for every occasion. designed and made in Slovenia.



je slovenska znamka pokrival, pod katero deluje oblikovalka Špela Strašek. Znamka  ponuja ročno izdelane dodatke za lase. Vključuje eklektiko starega znanja klobučarske obrti z novimi tehnikami in ponuja svež ter inovativen pogled na to staro obrt.

Po želji, da ustvarjamo nekaj drugačnega, lepega in unikatnega stremimo k temu, da ženskam ponudimo popoln dodatek za lase, s katerim bodo vsakodnevno popestrila svojo celotno podobo.

Lepa in bogata zgodovina pokrival je inspiracija našemu delu, s svojim delom in znanjem pa ponovno obujamo to pozabljeno obrt. Svoje znanje oblikovanja in šivanja smo pridobivali preko različnih tečajev in pri znanem klobučarskem mojstru v Celju.

Boho headwear ponuja pokrivala kot so: klobuki, obroči, turbani, trakovi za lase, pentlje in fascinatorji. Vsako pokrivalo je ročno izdelano iz kvalitetnih materialov, poleg redne ponudbe pa ponujamo unikatna pokrivala, ki so izdelana za vaše posebne priložnosti. Vsa pokrivala so izdelana v majhnem studiu v Celju. 
Naše artikle lahko tudi osebno prevzamete v Celju ali kupite v naslednjih trgovinah:
- Gud Shop, Ljubljana 
- Perfect Dresscode s Katjo, Maribor
- Indestructible shop, Zagreb. 

Naši klobuki so bili že trikrat razstavljeni v Londonu na prestižnem tednu klobukov London Hat Week. V sodelovanju z Veleposlaništvom v Londonu smo za njihovo predstavnico izdelali klobuke za prireditvi kot sta Royal Ascot in Garden Party v Buckingham Palace. Sodelujemo tudi z različnimi modnimi oblikovalci in drugimi ustvarjalci, s katerimi povezujemo naše znanje in pišemo lepa sodelovanja. 

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Boho headwear is a Slovenian brand of handmade headwear, established by the young designer Špela Strašek. The brand has been offering handmade Hats, Hair Accessories & other Headpieces. It incorporates the eclecticism of old hat crafting knowledge with new techniques and offers a fresh and innovative perspective to this almost forgotten handcraft.

In the desire to create something different, beautiful, unique and wearable, we strive to offer women the perfect hair accessory that will brighten up their overall looks on a daily basis.

The beautiful and rich history of such unique headpieces is an inspiration to our work and also a motivational process, to revive this forgotten craft with our designs and knowledge of handicrafts. We acquired our knowledge of design and sewing through various courses, but also learned from the best, from the master of this craft in Celje and through online courses of designers abroad.


Boho headwear offers headwear such as: hats, hairbands, turbans, headbands, hair bows and fascinators. Each piece is handmade from quality materials, and in addition to the regular offers, we also design and make headpieces for your special occasions, like weddings and such. All our products are made in our small studio in Celje. 
You can pickup your order personally or shop our products in different boutiques:
- Gud Shop, Ljubljana 
- Perfect Dresscode s Katjo, Maribor
- Indestructible shop, Zagreb


The hats have already been exhibited in London at the prestigious London Hat Week, and were displayed as a part of the Royal Ascot event in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in London and at the Garden Party in Buckingham Palace. We also collaborate with various fashion designers and other creators, sharing the knowledge and designing beautiful stories.